People prefer timber floorboards as they give the aesthetic and the most appealing look but after some time issues arise that need to be fixed so that the look will remain the same throughout the lifespan of the house. The most common cause that occurs in the timber wood is creaking and squeaking of the wood that causes the noise while walking and doing other work on the floor that may lead to frustration. There are various methods and techniques that will play a role in the maintenance of such floors. But there are a few reasons for getting these creaky floors, and we are going to discuss the root cause of these floors. The surrounding environment is the main cause that may cause many issues to the floor and the subfloor. As we all know, timber is the natural wood substance that can be easily affected by its surrounding atmosphere. We all know that wood can contract and expand due to the change in the temperature and the moisture that will cause the squeaking of the floor. Another cause is when there is a need to timber floorboard repair when the nuts that hold the wooden plates together become loose. Due to the gap between these wooden plates, various sounds can be created that can be fixed by tightening the nuts in between these wooden plates. The wooden plates are placed on a simple floor to give the more appealing look. If the floor beneath a wooden rack is uneven, then it will not only be uncomfortable to walk on but also make various sounds. We all know that after a certain time it is required to renovate your home because the old belonging of the house is now damaged and needs maintenance or replacement. In simple words, we can say that the age of material also causes some trouble and makes the creakywooden floor. The simple solution to such a problem is the replacement and the renovation of your floors.
All the issues that are mentioned above can be solved easily. For instance, if the loose nuts are causing the trouble and producing the sound, then the nuts need to be tightened. To determine the actual area that causes the issue, we have to put some pressure while walking through the floor, through which we can easily specify the area which needs to be corrected. Another method that is used to avoid the creakiness is using lubricants. This method is mostly used when we do not want to use the screws and other nuts. In this method, an amount of lubricant is placed where it is needed to be poured. This method is used when the issue is occurred due to the friction among the floor. Shimmying is also another method that helps in reducing the gap between the floors.