Kids are like special gifts that most couples anticipate at some point or the other, in their relationship. While some are lucky enough to have these gifts sooner than others, there are also those that have to wait years to receive this. However, once the good news breaks out, it is only a matter of time before the nursery is filled with all that you have been dreaming of. Out of them all, you might want to consider the need for formula as well. While doctors’ advice that infants should be breastfed, there obviously would be moments where it might be impossible for different reasons. Therefore, here are some tips you need to know about formula.
Wash your hands before preparing it
Infants are rather sensitive to dirt, germs and whatnot. And so, there is a high chance that they could easily get sick with some disease or the other. Once they fall ill, taking care of them certainly isn’t as easy as it may seem. Therefore, to avoid any complications from the beginning, make sure that you wash your hands well, before you make bellamys infant formula.
Use clean water
With infants there is always that need to be extra careful with everything that you do. Even when it comes to their milk you need to make sure that the temperature is neither cold nor too hot for them and that the quantities are of the right amounts.
So, when you are using water to make nan comfort formula make sure that you either use tap water if you think it is safe or bottled water or boiled cool water. It in fact be best to go with the last two options over the first one. This is because generally tap water has chlorine added in to it to purify it, and unlike with adults, you can’t take a risk with kids by giving them formula made from this water. Visit this link for more info on nan comfort formula.
Don’t use microwaves to heat the milk
Microwaves use radiation to heat whatever content that is being placed inside it. most of the times, these may not even get heated evenly. Therefore to avoid possible complications that may pop up with these, switch to either soaking the bottle in a bowl of hot water or run the bottle under hot water. This way the milk would be heated in a much safer and even manner.
Don’t store too long
As you prepare the milk make sure that it is fed at least within an hour. Don’t try to reuse old formula, instead dispose of them. However, know that you can make the milk and store it in the fridge to be used later.